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Tony, I am writing this letter to introduce you to our client John Ramirez. John just finished his book "Out of the Devil's Cauldron". I wanted to give you a synopsis because he wants to promote the book with an article. John was only 18 years old when he enlisted in World War II. He was drafted and was one of the first soldiers on Omaha Beach on D-Day, June 6th 1944. John was badly wounded on that day and suffered a bullet through his left elbow that damaged the nerves. He also suffered several broken bones, including a finger that was shattered by shrapnel. John suffered many complications from his injuries during the war. He is 47 years old now and still suffers greatly from all of his injuries. But he keeps fighting every day despite all of the pain. John has had to deal with all kinds of medical issues since he returned home after serving in World War II. He still has an unhealed bullet wound in his arm and is still dealing with nerve damage in his left arm, shoulder, back & leg. He also has had two hip surgeries, which left him with an artificial hip that was manufactured by the largest medical device company in the world. The doctors planted a metal post into his leg bone, with a screw & sleeve to hold the artificial hip in place. He has experienced many problems as a result of having such an unnatural joint implanted into his body. His artificial joint is beginning to wear out and he is experiencing pain and other problems as a result. He recently underwent another surgery at one of the best hospitals in Los Angeles to have that joint replaced with a new one. It's not known at this time whether or not they were able to successfully implant the new artificial joint. John's quality of life has really suffered over the years. John is the father of two children. Their names are Stephanie and Joanne and they live in Seattle, Washington. They were very young when their father deployed and they don't remember him very well. Thankfully, his wife of 44 years – Marilyn – is still doing pretty well and can enjoy spending time with them. John says she is the backbone that keeps the family together. He also has two sisters who live close to him in San Pedro. Their names are Lois & Mary Jo and both of them have been very supportive of John & Marilyn through all their medical problems. John says he is sorry that he hurt all of these people's feelings by not keeping in touch. He says that he was called back to Los Angeles for his last hip surgery and has been having pain & other problems since then. He has lost count of the times that he has needed to go to the hospital so his leg could be examined, drained, etc. This really affects his quality of life. John is lucky to live in the same home where so much time & money have already been invested in making it livable. But John still needs help with some things, including making sure all of his medical expenses are covered while he consults with doctors, etc. eccc085e13